Python Foundations: Introduction to Python Programming (EN)

You will be guided by Ondřej Programátor

Frontend developer who has been programming since school. He started as an application programmer in Angular JS, over time he switched to React, full-…



Python is a programming language that’s great for beginners. It has simple syntax so it is easy to read, write and, most importantly, learn.
You will learn the basic features, use of functions and data structures.

The use of Python is becoming increasingly popular across professions. Python is used not only by programmers, but also by automation testers, data analysts, machine learning experts and scientists. We can find it in areas such as machine learning, data analysis, AI etc.
The course contains practical examples and exercises.


Work with Python programming language in the command line and in a text editor. You will learn to create clear and understandable code.


The course is intended for beginners who want to learn the basics of this language.


  • Introduction to programming
  • Python installation
  • Orientation in Python
  • Counting and working with numbers
  • Working with variables and values
  • Working with text
  • Strings
  • Creating and using functions
  • Passing parameters
  • Built-in function
Code structure and organization
  • If, while, for commands
  • Function writing
  • Variables (local, associated, global)
  • Primitive vs. non-primitive data types and working with them
Program debugging
  • Finding errors
  • Error handling
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Features of OOP
  • Instances and classes
  • Working with objects
  • Methods
  • Inheritance 
Working with files
  • Introduction to working with files
  • Reading, creating and modifying files
Discussions and questions


  • basics of working on a PC

Study Materials

Materials are in electronic form.

Python Foundations: Introduction to Python Programming (EN)

Selected course term


16 400 CZK + 21% VAT

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